Thursday, March 13, 2025

An Ode to My Love

 An Ode to My Love

I’ve tried to muster every word

Search in dictionaries

Look in thesauruses

But I can’t find the correct word

To describe the way his nose is a thick

Ledge that my eyes cascade down,

Freckles, as if his canvas was dotted

With perfectly placed stars

A snapshot of space

Lips like a limp cupid's bow, an arrow pointed at me

And a taste like velvet tangerines and

Dark chocolate marshmallows 

Hands that handle machines 

Fingers that pull apart rose petals

Is there a word for his smile?

The way his nose creases into thick lines

The way it’s warmth pools deep into my belly

How I will gladly let his summer become a permanent

Part of my bones

There is no genre for his voice,

A broken accent that rings with honey

Tired eyes that devour me

That drip autumn

That shine like topaz during a thunderstorm

He is a deep maple forest that overflows

Into the ocean

The smell of wet asphalt and thick humidity


Forever and always


Those are the only words that seem adequate for him.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Obituary of an Older Brother

 Obituary of an Older Brother

There's a lump in my throat

That scratches and bites

She calls it bitter and vicious

I call it love

It makes her cry when it uses

Its hoarse voice and spits on her sympathy

I wish it could crawl out and shriek 

Until everything turns bright blue and beet red

It could tell you that you're a bastard,

Living in powder pink dreams

Longing to find the next spirit

To inhabit your bed

To infest your ribcage

To break your bones

How I gave you the highest honor in my head

Crowns of ivy and robes with stars woven into them

I met you

I burned the portrait I had painted, the robes and the ivy

How you left and came back,

In a purposeless race,

A grand prix with no prize

Searching for caramel cigarettes

And love from a consignment store

50, 20, 10 percent off

How you found comfort in white porch steps,

Silver seas and fleas;

You called them home

Can you feel my teeth in your side?

The anger that swells and pools at your feet;

how it burns and blemishes

Or should I keep that lump in my throat

Push it deep down, let it not make a peep

Blink away the pain on heavy eyelashes

“Could you come home?”

The lump whispers